About Us
Centreno Healthcare’s history, mission and values tell the story of who we are as a company. We began as a pharmaceutical distributor, providing products to customers. We’re now progressive pharmaceutical company, with a aim to growing presence in Northern Region. What hasn’t changed is our dedication to providing access to high quality medicine. Read More .
Preventive care
Curabitur a nisi aliquam, scel eris que augue non, sagittis ligula.
Family Dentistry
Curabitur a nisi aliquam, scel eris que augue non, sagittis ligula.
Above and beyond for your comfort.
A proin gravida varius nibh, malesuada egestas mi rhoncus ut. Ut in congue arcu, ut hendrerit turpis. Curabitur a nisi.
Cras massa nibh, tincidunt ut eros a, vulputate consequat odio.
About Us
Centreno Healthcare’s history, mission and values tell the story of who we are as a company. We began as a pharmaceutical distributor, providing products to customers.
We’re now progressive pharmaceutical company, with a aim to growing presence in Northern
Region. What hasn’t changed is our dedication to providing access to high quality medicine.